About Us

We are the Hughes family and we started out in Cobar, NSW near the centre of the Australian outback. Now we have moved our 4BP Horses headquarters to a fabulous new setup in Toowoomba, QLD.

We are horse trainers and our aim is to educate and empower people using our calm and revolutionary training method to change the face of horse training, one horse at a time. 

I, Joe wanted to put into one system what I had learnt over my life of training horses. Our kind and gentle method is called 4BP, which stands for what we are doing which is saving horses, hence 4 Brumby Protection.

From 2016, we started rescuing brumbies that were being removed from Mount Kosciuszko National Park. These noble wild horses are showcased and become part of our 4BP Horse Clinics or the Brumbies 4 Recovery programs.

- A testimonial from a 4BP Horses Customer in Canada: "I am a volunteer trainer and farrier on a horse ranch in remote Saskatchewan, Canada.

I work with quarter horses and thoroughbred racers.

I know all about the very sad trauma in many of the OTT thoroughbreds.

I tried many training methods in my quest to train young colts, problem quarter horses that no one dared to ride, as well as the OTT’s.
The energy anhttps://youtu.be/sy2CTNvhsmQd time that I expended in many of these methods caused me to muse often whether there wasn’t an easier way.

I tried ways that match the energy and strength of the horse, thinking that I as the trainer, needed to meet the horse in the peak of his energy and bring about a yielding in him.

These methods left me feeling broken when the horse broke.

I felt that I had forced submission into a beautiful, free spirit.

I often was in tears after the horse succumbed.

I might add that such training methods are very dangerous as well.

I often bowed my head to God in wonder and gratitude that I hadn’t been hurt by these powerful animals.

I longed to know if there was a gentle way.
Would the results be good, I wondered.

I searched on line and studied gentle horse trainers, but I found the methods, though bringing beautiful results, very time consuming.

Something was missing.

I kept wondering and searching, what is the quickest and most efficient way?

Watching a lead mare, who never gave up to a new horse, I saw how she dropped her head when the stubborn rival listened to her.

I wondered at this, because I always thought dropping the head was a sign of submission, yet here clearly she was using it as a signal of approval and friendship.

I began to do this in training when a horse yielded, and immediately saw good results.
I questioned, however, if it was wise to use horse mannerisms when training.

When I stumbled on your video of “whats possible with 4hrs and one wild horse”, I knew this was it.

I saw clearly the amount of pressure that’s needed and the response that we need to give when the horse listens,  relaxing and dropping our heads, which signals to the horse in a clear manner which he can understand, that he has done well and that we are his friend.

The fact that you showed these things to be true with wild brumbies and showed how young teenagers can do this gentling with a wild animal that can strike them down with one hoof, proved to me that this is the best and most efficient way to train.

And your horses demonstrate that it is a tremendously effective gentling method.
After seeing your videos, I felt as though the trainers of the world, myself included, were like a bunch of clowns, running and expending energy for nothing!

What a humbling experience!

Now, horse training is an easy, quick, and sure thing, no matter what horse is in question.

It works every time and the results are equally as satisfactory!

What a joy!

What a satisfaction!

Thank you again, dear friend!
Before closing, I want to say that you also clarified for me the value of the advance and retreat technique when introducing something new to a horse.

What a precious tool!

How quickly the horse responds!

Warm Regards"


- Another happy customer from the beta test in early March 2017: "I've only just started the program but how inspirational is Joe Hughes. What wonderful human beings he and his family, now extended family thanks to Facebook, are. I love seeing the horses run. They have often tried to outrun us in the ute in the outback even along roads. Magical creatures."