This video collection is the very last step of the 4BP Method.
It will cover the following steps over 13 Videos available to stream after checkout.
- Walking wide behind
- Walking directly behind
- Slide off the rump
- Full introduction to riding
- Going in circles vs. walking off straight
- Lauren shows you how to get super sensitive brakes
- Body weight shifting and transferring to turn
- Lauren shows you how again to slide off the rump
- A review of bagging down with the cloth
- Bag down with a riding cloth
- Introducing the saddle to the horse
- Putting the saddle on and taking off repeatedly for the very first time
- Tightening the girth for the first time
- Moving the stirrups around
- Giving the horse a chance to get used to all of the tugging
- Applying all tack
- Positioning the saddle properly
- Proper way to hold your reins while mounting
- How to mount from the ground to the saddle for the first time
- What to do if a horse moves
- The rear dismount from the saddle
Reminder from Lauren: Be patient, don't rush.
**2021 © 4BP Horses Pty Ltd All Rights Reserved
You purchase this film for your own personal use, for informational and educational purposes only. You must not copy or reproduce all or part of the film or distribute it for commercial or personal gain. Any unauthorised exhibition, communication to the public, distribution, streaming, copying or similar of this film or any part of it (including soundtrack) may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution. 4BP Horses takes the infringement of its rights very seriously.
You must not use any of the advice or recommendations given by 4BP Horses in the film as a substitute for advice given by legal, medical, mental health or other qualified professionals and you must seek independent professional help in relation to such matters.**