4BP Horses founder give their life's work away for free

Like horses, humans need interaction

The human wasn’t designed to isolate, we need a herd also. 

We need to have family and friends around, we need conversation, we need to be face to face, we need to connect, to feel one another’s energy. 

Humans thrive on positive energy. 

4BP Horses, both a mental health wellbeing program and a gentle horse training program are generating their own positive energy across the world. 

Initially, with a gentle and highly efficient horse training program, training a horse to ride and slide off the rump in 3 hours to rapidly expanding into mental health. 

The results in mental health are just as amazing with participants ridding themselves of severe afflictions such as trauma based schizophrenia, epilepsy, PTSD, addictions, anxiety, depression etc. in a few days, for life.  

4BP Horse Training 

The creator of this unique program was raised in outback Australia, and based the training on human nature producing a program anyone can relate to. 

Specialising in wild untouched horses, training full intact stallions directly mustered in from millions of acres of outback stations. 

Horses that once were pride and joy of stockman on big properties released with the introduction of motorbikes and aircraft, free to roam, multiply and become wild. 

These horses are conditioned to the severe elements of inland Australia, covering 50 km a day to feed and find water, only the best bred survive the droughts, titanium tough, the kind that make the best mounts. 

Featured on ABC tv in 2018 for world title of training 65 horses in 6 days

To watch a 5 year old stallion melt into the presence of the trainer within minutes, follow them and even become protective of the trainer within hours is something to behold. 

10 participants pick out 10 untouched wild horses on the Monday at a clinic and all are riding and sliding off the rump by “everyone rides Wednesday".

Within the 5 days the horses have their feet trimmed, float load, tie up, rug, perform obstacles and freely canter. 

All performed by novice to no experience trainers. 

“The horse is always quicker to train than the human”. 

The participants come from all over the world, from all walks of life with the same goal, to do what most people have no chance to ever do… pick a wild horse out of a mob and train it. 

A unique experience that beats talking about hot tubs, water falls or expensive motels. 

The program doesn’t involve traditional training methods of 3,000 years. 

There is no roping, forcing submission, overwhelming or overpowering the horse, no bucking or bolting either. 

The horse is trained with respect, honour, positioning and patience under the watchful eye of experienced staff. 

This safe, calm environment is what makes it so ideal for mental health wellbeing programs. 

4BP Wellbeing Program

Returned veterans, first responders, drug and alcohol addiction/s, suicide prevention, anger management, depression, anxiety, PTSD, schizophrenia, epilepsy, toxic shock, involuntary movement, frozen limbs, autism, eating disorders, recovery from stroke or heart attack, if it’s trauma based it can be treated. 

The 4BP Wellbeing Program has travelled Australia and been extensively quantified across a multitude of demographics and communities, being the first of its kind in Australian history to be funded by Primary Health Network (PHN) in NSW. 

NSW PHN contracted 4BP Horses to perform drought clinics for isolated and remote communities after returning from a self funded suicide prevention tour of the Northern Territory. 

Mostly self funded but have also received funding from prime minister and cabinet, State government, PHN, Department of Defence, National indigenous strategies, indigenous work programs, private and corporate business. 

Background about 4BP Horses

Created by an outback stockman based on his interactions and life events. 

Created so that anyone from 4 years old to 104 years old can train a wild horse straight up because it’s based on common human instincts.

A story of abandonment as a child, leaving school early, working in isolated outback Australia in and out of stock camps, floods, fire, marriage, children, accidents, near death experiences to lead to this simplistic, kind and highly efficient program.

Homing up to 97% of all Mt Kosciosko brumbies to use in mental health and general horse training programs, all self funded. 

Operating successful returned veteran programs.

“4BP Horses is making a life’s work available to the public, right across the world”.

The creator and family of the horse training program, as well as the highly effective mental health program has gifted their entire life’s work to the world for free. 

“I recently performed a road trip through towns and cities, talked with general folk and was saddened by people’s negativity, fear, reluctance to mingle, downward outlook on life. While driving I pondered on how I could make a change to people’s lives?”

The answer……

“Free to the world”

We are simple living people with few needs, we have lived on the basics as a family for so many decades that we find it hard to live any other way. 

Therefore we are giving our life’s work ….for free ….worldwide. 

All our online 4BP Horses Mental Health programs and horse training program. 

4BP Horse Training Clinics

4BP Horses aims to resume clinics this year based out of our new holistic centre south of Toowoomba, 12 minutes from the city, 20 minutes to the international airport.    


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